An Editor’s Writings, Thoughts & Musings

ANNOUNCING: SRD Editing Services Scheduled to Attend “Read It, Write It” Festival, June 2024

SRD Editing Services is excited to announce our confirmed attendance to the "Read It, Write It" festival in Wellington, Florida, in June 2024! The second "Read It, Write It" festival will be free to the public and include a number of exciting authorship events, including: Author talks, book signings & meet-and-greets with renowned authors. Writing [...]

Planners Vs. Pantsers: Tips for New Writers on Navigating Your Writing Journey

Writing is a unique journey, and every writer has their own style. Some meticulously plan every detail, while others embrace spontaneity and write "by the seat of their pants." As an editor who has worked with both types, I've come to appreciate the strengths and challenges each style includes. In this blog, we'll explore the [...]

Writers Talking Writing: Creative Writing Advice from Questlove

Last year, I had the pleasure of listening to several audiobooks from some amazing writers, several of who provided excellent creative writing advice. In today’s blog, I want to highlight some of the best creative writing tips and techniques from the book Creative Quest, by the very talented Questlove. Why is Creativity Important? According to Questlove It [...]

Tips for Science Fiction Writers: The Importance of Technology in Worldbuilding

All aspiring science fiction writers want their speculative fiction to take their readers on a journey. In the dynamic world of storytelling, the role of technology extends far beyond mere gadgets and gizmos. "Technology" can mean many things. Especially depending on context. As a sci-fi series editor, it helps to understand the multifaceted importance of [...]

Cost to Self-Publish a Book

What Does it Cost to Self-Publish a Book? As an editor with more than ten years of experience, I can’t tell you how many times writers have asked me, “What does it cost to self-publish a book?” Although it seems like a straightforward enough question, the simplest answer is “It varies,” but writers are seldom [...]

Editor’s Pick: Top Books Read in 2023

The SRD Editor's Pick: Top Books Read in 2023 Welcome back for the second year of the SRD Editor’s pick of top books read this year! (Check out the 2022 list here.) As a refresher, I love tracking my audiobook listens and physical book reading via Goodreads (let’s connect!), and I typically get my materials [...]

Types of Beta Readers & Sensitivity Readers

Has someone recommended that you look into getting a “beta reader” or  “sensitivity reader”? You may not realize initially, but they are both types of beta readers that focus on different things in your writing. If you’re wondering what they are and why they’re helpful, the short answer is that they make your book better. [...]

Write a First Draft: Tips for Fiction & Nonfiction Books

You may have heard that there's no wrong way to write a book. When you make the goal to write, first draft jitters can easily get in the way, and without a plan or solid options for your process, you won't know what's right or wrong.  Many pieces of advice for finishing your book first [...]

Book Cover Design for Self-Publishing Authors with Book Brush

As a blog for writers and editors that generally focuses on how words are put together in a text, we don't usually discuss much about book cover design, unless we're talking about back covers and what goes on them. But today, let’s talk about front cover design. I recently stumbled on Book Brush, and I have found [...]

Write like Great Classic Authors: Ernest Hemingway

“Write the truest sentence you know.” Then do it again. One sentence at a time, you write your story. Classic authors knew that there was nothing like capturing and keeping a reader’s attention, and titan in the literary world, Ernest Hemingway, knew and performed this trick better than most. Known for his concise, powerful prose, [...]